Tax Return Evaluation

We can uncover errors made by other preparers and find opportunities to reduce your tax bill that others may miss.

We will check your last three year’s tax returns for accuracy and make sure that you:

  • Claimed all possible credits and deductions.

  • Correctly filled out the required forms.

This service does not cover financial reporting and non-personal returns (business, trust, partnership, etc.). It includes the following deliverables:

  • Notifying the client whether the original tax return is correct or not.

  • Notifying the client of the potential consequences of the errors found.

  • Notifying the client whether the refund justifies the cost of amendment.

Remember, we work for you not for the IRS. Many of our clients save many times the fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.

File your Taxes in Just 4 Simple Steps